Thursday, August 13, 2020

USB Mass Storage option Dropped from Android; MTP is no option here...


 In Linux there is option to install jmptfs which is a virtual file system mount tool for the Microsoft developed MTP protocol. While this protocol works for small files, trying to transfer my 2.3Gb video of my birthday party fails with several attempts. This resort comes after the latest update of my Android to Android 10; and to my surprise Google had dropped support for USB Mass Storage support with only the MTP option left for file management from another computer.

My options are either: Copy onto an SD card if the Android device supports SD cards, Upload to some cloud service then download on the other end (very time consuming with my internet connection), Bluetooth to and from my computer (very cumbersome and very slow transfer speeds) or use the Media Transfer Protocol which fails in transfer of large file sizes and has extremely slow file refresh rates.

So with this article being indexed with Google, it is my hope that this article becomes a plea to bring back Mass Storage USB support on Android devices.


For right now the best solution is to install an FTP server app on the Android device and then go to it's address and port using an FTP client on your computer. I paid $1.99 for FTP Server by Pieter Pareit and that seems to work wonders.