Just like old times; can't wait these 80s relics on their way back now with excessive makeup, plastic surgery and embellishments all the heart desire. Wyse anyone? They were called Dump Terminal Clients then and were very responsive. I'll digress from further allusions to today's "Smart" technologies; that would go off tangent.
When ever someone calls a call center or tech support today, the responsiveness of archival and retrieval of information is like a snail traveling through molasses compared to the 80s paradigm tech.
Way too much overhead? and operating systems running resources to the roof over up-time all for the pretty pictures, novelties of bells and whistles on a dog pile of patches and GUI?!
I still wonder if some source code was lost and binary kept going since the NiceTry [OS/2 marketing allusion] 3.1/3.51 era haunting the modern adaptations of that today's system lack of responsiveness, vulnerabilities to BSODs and adapt to zero-day discoveries outside the "nanny state" of private information collections and backdoors. I always wonder when Microsoft will ever completely re-write Windows from the ground up.
I miss the simple good old days of a blinking cursor always ready for your input!
Laziness goes along with Moore's Law....
Just a matter of time until all these Clouds are owned by foreign adversaries just because it makes -- lack of hindsight -- "business sense."