Thursday, October 17, 2019

Windows 10 Mandatory Updates Becoming a Nuisance in Health and Service Industries

Lowe's recently fired their I.T. supervisor for failing to show up when a Lowe's store could not service customers because their Windows systems were doing updates. Now Lowe's runs all their service computers company wide on Linux.
Since the release of Windows 10 more than a few years ago, Microsoft has been determined to forcefully enforce updates with only the option of picking what time of day or night to run the updates. Some folks I know remember the folly of leaving their Windows 7 computer running to come back to see that Windows 10 forced it's way in, making some machines in-operable due to driver compatibility issues between the platform versions.

 This determinism has become a major nuisance and havoc to many industries that have relied on Windows in the past, most notably the health and service industries.

For example, not too long ago the I.T. supervisor for Lowe's chain of hardware stores was fired when he failed to show up at a store where the Windows mandatory updates were preventing employees from servicing customers. At the time Genesis had been running on the new Windows 10 platform. Since Genesis is a proven and widely used command line interface in many service industries the new I.T. team provided the platform change from Windows to Linux since Genesis interface has support on almost any popular platform, either emulated or accessed remotely via telnet protocols.

I work in the healthcare industry as an I.T. all-around consultant and social media outreach, part time. Their HIPAA compliant software only works on Windows and because of past disruptions of Windows mandatory updates hindering their operations at various unexpected times of day I have provided them with some registry scripts that turn on or off the mandatory updates process:

You can download this registry fix with extracting the file "" after downloading from here:

After downloading the scripts, run them as "Administrator" either choosing the one to turn on or the one to turn off mandatory Windows updates.

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